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Posted By Admin on 10/31/17 - Bookmark Beg For Cum

The funny thing about sex with women and success rates is that it all goes back to an old saying. The old saying is, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t get it to drink."

What I mean by that is I can give you a very detailed step by step, blow by blow (no pun intended) analysis and guide on how to bang milfs looking for sex on MeetMilfs. I can lay it on your lap, I can write an awesome book, compile it, print it out complete with diagrams, and guess what will happen? That’s right, a whole lot of nothing.

You see, most guys are idiots. Even if they were to get the secret to doing something, they would still manage to somehow, some way, drop the ball. That’s just how most people operate. This is why it’s really funny to know why there are so many self professed milf hunters and sex guides out there that are supposed to be some sort of sexual guru or sex master that women can’t ignore, but people really don’t listen to them.

Now, don’t get me wrong. People buy their books, people hand them a lot of money for guidance, but when it comes down to listening, people simply fall flat. In other words, we let our fears get the better of us and, despite the treasure trove of information at our disposal, we simply choose to do nothing.

Sure, we give out a lot of signs and we go through the motions, we try to lead people into thinking that we’re taking action, but the bottom line is that we’re too scared. And that really is the ultimate tragedy of becoming a milf hunter or some sort of a ladies’ man.

If you’re really serious about banging milfs looking for sex, you just need to focus on doing it. You just need to focus on getting the right guidance and following that shit to the letter. In other words, you have to overcome your fears. Sadly, most people don’t get around to doing this.

Blogged Under: Dating
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Posted By Admin on 02/28/16 - Bookmark Beg For Cum

There are many lessons in life that you can share with other people and the only reason I’m sharing these lessons with you is because I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I made. You see even before that popular TV show Friends became all the rage, people in my social circles have already developed fuckbuddies. In fact it’s an open secret that half the female friends guys in my social circle had were also sex partners.

It seems that this was the way to go especially in the San Francisco Bay area. It seems that in the graduate school that I was in, a fuckbuddy was a status symbol. It was kind of an open secret. Of course people were still discreet. It’s not like you’re walking down the street and you yell to the chick that you’re banging on the side and say, “Hey, what’s up? Fuckbuddy.” You don’t do that. I mean, come on. But everybody knew that this was the name of the game.

Well, I tried my hand at that. I mean I had friends and then I had women I called for booty calls. And to me a fuckbuddy is somebody that occupies the middle ground so my lesson to you involves my attempts at turning my existing female friend into a fuckbuddy. Well, let me fast forward to the ending: it ended badly. Seriously. Why? I considered her a really good friend. I mean this was a woman that would give me encouragement when I was feeling down. This was a woman that would get up in the middle of the night, get some coffee and just go over to my place because I’m cramming for a test and she wanted to keep my company and I’m not banging her. She was just being a friend.

And the moment I tried to turn her into a fuckfriend things started to get weird. I mean we fucked each other and we were still friends but it started becoming more physical and less emotional. Eventually it didn’t work out. Eventually she was out of my life, and to this day, I feel sorry about that experience because I lost the most precious thing any person could ever have in their short lives. What is the most precious asset you could ever come across: a real friend. A friend that would bite the bullet for you. A friend that would lay down her life for you. That’s how rare she was and I threw it away because I wanted a fuckbuddy. So learn from my lesson.

The lesson if you are not clear about it is simple: don’t turn existing friends into fuckbuddies. Okay? You can have a fuckbuddy but you develop that friend from the get-go. From the beginning, as a potential fuckbuddy, you make it clear to them that there might be physical elements in the future. If they are cool with that and you’re cool with it and the friendship does develop that way then you’re good to go. If it develops into a purely platonic direction that’s a victory as well. But never mix the two. Never turn a platonic friend into a fuckfriend. That’s just asking for it.

Blogged Under: Sexual Aids
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